I am Erick Mochiemo Nyakangi which is my official name but people prefer to call me Motchezz as per my art name. I was born in Tabaka a small village in Kisii where I grew up with interest of art but never had the opportunity to explore more about art due to the environment and lack of motivation. I joined high school in 2012 and that’s was the first time I was exposed to art. I did art as a subject and my inter ests kept growing more and more. After my high school studies i joined Kenyatta university in late 2017
to pursue fine art and design as a course. This is where I came to meet the real art experience because I was surrounded by artists starting from students to lecturers. This is the same place I encountered different forms of art some which I had never seen before. I became more interested in pencil drawing, painting and sculpture but at the same time trying out other fields like graphic design ceramics.
Late 2021 I decided to put school on hold a bit and focus more on art due to some small financial is sues. During this short period I have learnt and gained a lot in art. This is the period I decided to focus on bead mosaic and painting because sculpture had began getting off my mind bit by bit. I have man aged to meet many professional artists, have known about art galleries, exhibitions and more about art in the country. This is the same period I managed to meet Ubuntu Arts which was a very great and life changing importunity.
Currently, I am focusing on bead mosaic, painting, and furniture making. I do both abstract and realism work and my themes are diverse.
I am an active social media user because it connects me with the outer art world and keeps me inspired by greater artists. Below are my social media handles;